Saturday 21 July 2012

Passion and compassion

Somebody gave me a reference of book "Alive in the death zone".It's a book about  Mr. Lincolon Hall who reached the summit of Mt Everest and then faced some difficulties while descending. He was left for dead at the summit.This book depicts the miraculous survival and rescue of Mr. Hall.Ironically he lost his battle to cancer after 5-6 years of his miraculous rescue.

While I was reading the book , I got more and more intrigued with Everest and the people who climb it. I searched on Internet and found that there are around 200 climbers who have lost their lives in quest of Everest.Bodies of some climbers lay preserved in nature's deep freezer as it is!

Mr Hall could have been one more addition to this number if it was not for one compassionate group of climbers who gave up their summit dreams and risked their own lives to rescue Mr. Hall.There was a other group also who feigned ignorance and did not pitch in for help and kept following their route to summit.

This story left a mark on my mind and heart.I am just thinking why  people can not be passionate and compassionate at the same time.Though Everest is not everybody's forte but I think common people like us also come across our own types of  Everests in day today life. We see lot of people day in day out who just follow their passion so vehemently.Some follow it ruthlessly like the climbers who were more worried about their summit rather than helping Mr. Hall. Some do it with compassion just like the guys who gave up their aim of reaching summit for helping Mr. Hall.

Passion and compassion have to go hand in hand else passion transgresses into boundaries of evils and craziness..

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