Tuesday 21 August 2012

Some eye talk

Eyes are  by far the most prominent feature on face which get noticed except for the case if the person you are talking to has some special kind of nose! If that is the case then nose takes the cake else eyes are at the helm.

Most of the times eyes are the true reflections of person's personality but sometimes they can be just opposite of it of what person actually is.

Arrogant persons have eyes that just  cut through you with their sharp looks whereas humble confident eyes will have assured look. Diffident eyes will never look into you. Beautiful eyes will always capture you.Deep eyes will get you engrossed.Twinkling eyes have freshness and naughtiness to them.Wicked eyes gives you jitters.Talking eyes do lot of talking silently and then there are eyes which are in the middle of water reservoir! A little trigger will make them flood in no time .Sad eyes are always lost in some thoughts.Spy eyes are always searching for something or other.

Color and shape  plays an important role in giving a distinct character to eyes. Blue eyes fall in the elite class of most likable .Green and hazle eyes also fall more or less in this class.Shades of black and brown are quite common. By simple rule of demand and supply princple and the amount of pupulation we have of these eyes , they definitely fall in common category.

Then  of course there are colours like yellow which falls into sick category and and should be treated as an  invitation from a doctor. And not to forget  red colur. If it is due to hangover then please go and have lime water else just stop reading this and give your eyes a much deserved rest.

BTW what do your eyes reflect? 

Tuesday 14 August 2012

My sweet little peccadillo

Everyone has hidden sins which seldom make to public stage.I too have my sweet little peccadillo which can not be hidden and any party and celebration manifests it more . Hold on to your high horses...my only sin  is my unconditional love for chocolates and Indian sweets!

Since my childhood , this thought is deeply imbibed in my heart and brain that stomach does have different compartment for desserts and you have always that extra space even if you have eaten like a monster !

As I grew up , my brain did change it's idea(thanks to internet for getting Ms. Calorie into center stage)  but heart still abides by that imbibed thought :-).My heart and brain are at antipodal positions when it comes to eating sweets and needless to say my heart wins by unbeatable margin :) And my accumulated pounds do echo the same.

I am not alone in this quandary .I have many acquaintances and friends who too struggle with ...to eat or not to eat  sweet and eventually they end up eating only .I myself have tried to give up sweet many a times but I guess it's deep there in my DNA .When you don't find any logical reason .... DNA is an easy culprit to put blame on !But my food DNA is not that bad ....I owe big thanks to it for disliking ice creams infact a very big thanks (looking at calorie content of ice cream ) and a bear hug for making me dislike cold drinks and pastries .Imagine if my food DNA had strayed more into sweet territory I would have ended up with menu like -  ice cream for breakfast ,chocolate for mid morning snack well supported by aerated sweet drink , pastries for lunch  and so on ....

Thank God for making my DNA sane .So for now I am just  trying to find peace with my peccadillo as I have come to know  DNA is a blueprint... unchangeable!

Finally it is one story with happy ending :) Tell me if you think otherwise.

Monday 6 August 2012

Colonial Williamsburg.....step back into time

I have just finished reading  Ken Follet's "A Place called Freedom".The major part of story revolves around Virginia and Colonial Williamsburg.I get deeply engrossed in the literature which is set up in the areas which I have visited or lived.This happened with this novel too.I could visualize each and very place mentioned there. This made me recall my Colonial Williamsburg visit which happened few years ago.Though I am not able to place my photographs but this visit is still fresh in my memory.I have taken few photographs from internet(Photo credit link at the end of post).

This place is so romantic and vintage that the moment you place your foot in Colonial Williamsburg, you get transported to 18th century in no time. You want to get into corsets and long flowing dresses and ofcourse  hats.

 A ride in a horse drawn carriage takes you back into time.The stroll in the main street and a peek into houses gives the account of how people used to live at that time. The clean low  white fences surrounding the houses are very picturesque.

 Everything has been preserved so well.Visit to various retro shops gives you glimpses of how businesses were carried out at that time.You will come across people dressed in vintage clothes enacting lives from colonial past.It is the living history museum.

As the day gets closer to twilight ,you can see the streets illuminated by lanterns.Walk  in the street in the evening gives you quite an eerie feeling. It somehow gives you the feeling that you might be having ghosts walking by your side! There are many ghost sighting stories associated with Williamsburg. Fortunately I did not bump into one but that eerie feeling did not leave me for quite a long time!
My evening was wrapped up by watching  18th century play in theatre.It was a sheer delight seeing the actors submitting to the encore cheers of audience.

Photo Credit links:

 photo credit: <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/hbarrison/2463602185/">HBarrison</a> via <a href="http://photopin.com">photopin</a> <a
photo credit: <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/mr_g_travels/1235957400/">Mr G's Travels</a> via <a href="http://photopin.com">photopin</a> <a
photo credit: <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/vamcmag/10819607435/">MizGingerSnaps away...</a> via <a href="http://photopin.com">photopin</a> <a

Sunday 5 August 2012

The dark world of short stories

I have never been a voracious reader but yes I am not bad either.I can read anything but self help books. They mention very obvious.If you have not lost your commonsense , you would anyways know those things and will stick to them.In case you have lost common sense ,then no matter how many self help books you read ...you will always be a forlorn figure. I have seldom voiced my opinion as it can be taken as sacrilege.After all people are very sensitive to these books ;-)

Though I do not shy away from novels but what catches my attention the most is anthology of short stories.These are the stories which take you into different cultures and give you different perspective in few pages. Every story offers a distinctive view.I have huge respect for authors who do the daunting task of etching characters in few words and still able to stimulate your thoughts.Many of these stories have made their place in our school books and reading them all over again takes me back into time.

I have read quite a few pieces but stories which have caught my fancy are the ones by Saki(H H Munro).His stories always have surprises at the end and are very well woven.If one speaks of dark humour then Roald Dahl takes the cake.Being from hills , I have special love for Ruskin Bond's work especially his ghost stories based in colonial architecture. Alice Perrin ,Rudyard Kipling are the  must haves for lovers of  colonial era literature.

Few stories just remain etched in my memory because of their queer endings.Biscobra by Alice Perrin is one of them.It has a macabre ending and not quite enjoyable.It leaves lot to reader's imagination.Reader is bound to get nightmares after reading this but nevertheless the way it has been written and built up is commendable.
Similarly there is a story by Roald Dahl which tells about the super anxious lady who locks her husband in the house before going on vacation. Then there is "Parson's pleasure" by the same author where the super smart antique dealer becomes victim of his own smartness.Saki's "The phantom Luncheon" tells you the story of three sisters who have habit of piggybacking on others and finally gets to pay for that.The "Upper Berth" is the story about the haunted room of ship.And the list goes on....

For beginners who want to get into the corners of this dark alley...Roald Dahl is the good starting point.....Do share your thoughts once you get there.