Tuesday 21 August 2012

Some eye talk

Eyes are  by far the most prominent feature on face which get noticed except for the case if the person you are talking to has some special kind of nose! If that is the case then nose takes the cake else eyes are at the helm.

Most of the times eyes are the true reflections of person's personality but sometimes they can be just opposite of it of what person actually is.

Arrogant persons have eyes that just  cut through you with their sharp looks whereas humble confident eyes will have assured look. Diffident eyes will never look into you. Beautiful eyes will always capture you.Deep eyes will get you engrossed.Twinkling eyes have freshness and naughtiness to them.Wicked eyes gives you jitters.Talking eyes do lot of talking silently and then there are eyes which are in the middle of water reservoir! A little trigger will make them flood in no time .Sad eyes are always lost in some thoughts.Spy eyes are always searching for something or other.

Color and shape  plays an important role in giving a distinct character to eyes. Blue eyes fall in the elite class of most likable .Green and hazle eyes also fall more or less in this class.Shades of black and brown are quite common. By simple rule of demand and supply princple and the amount of pupulation we have of these eyes , they definitely fall in common category.

Then  of course there are colours like yellow which falls into sick category and and should be treated as an  invitation from a doctor. And not to forget  red colur. If it is due to hangover then please go and have lime water else just stop reading this and give your eyes a much deserved rest.

BTW what do your eyes reflect? 


  1. Good Observation but some time eyes can be misleading also depending upon what mental state you are in.

  2. Yes Ash M , you are absolutely correct.

  3. We in India were very much aware of the effects eyes can have on your mind, especially in our times when there was no cellphone, no email, just eyes to communicate, sometimes or most of the times, much more was perceived and interpreted from the guy's side, than what was conveyed.. ;) Not sure if you can relate to this, but surely most of the guys can..
