Saturday 23 February 2013

Let's not be slaves of some random survey..

Every now and then we come across some survey findings in newspapers, health magazines or internet. One time the surveys would say that it is sin to eat egg and after a decade or so , they will tell a different story singing tunes about eggs.

The other day I was reading about the desi ghee(clarified butter) survey which states that the our humble ghee is not as much villain as it has been made out to be in past few years. In fact it is recommended that we should have at least a spoon of ghee everyday .

Similar is the case with rice. One of the headings in health magazine  was screaming..."Rice may be not that bad after all". Poor rice is the first thing to get crossed from diet when it comes to healthy eating.

Antioxidants is the another wave people are riding on. There is a lot of talks doing rounds about them. No doubt they are good for health and we start thinking that if something is good for us we have a liberty of taking it in abundance but that is not the case. Now many journals say that too many of them can cause cancer.

We should not become slaves of whims or fancies of these surveys. Everything in moderation is perfect be it eating eggs , enjoying sweets or eating scrumptious ice creams.Extreme of everything is bad and our body knows the best. If you are honest to yourself , you will know where you are faltering because you body will start showing that.

It's just a matter of getting into the middle of spectrum and not to be on the extreme side in life.

Eat ,eat eat but do not forget the principle of moderation! After all healthy body and healthy mind is a team work of various food items.

 Give due respect to each and every item !