Thursday 30 October 2014

Soliloquy...Thinking loud works most of the time

Soliloquy  is the act of talking to oneself or talking when alone. No I have not lost my mental balance. Thinking loud does work.  Remember those pages from Shakespeare where Hamlet does a "To be or not to be" soliloquy and could find answers with in himself. Try recalling all those instances where you had a bad day at office or at home or may be some cases where you were put down by others. What did you do? Many would have found shoulders to cry on and many would have resorted to soliloquy.

Bad day at office - a little loud ranting in a solitude helps ease off the pressure. Need that little push while running , give yourself a boost by saying to yourself  "Yes I can do It". It works wonders. I have tried that myself and believe me you will not be alone in doing so. If you observe there would be fellow runners doing the same thing.

Sometimes you can be your best friend and best critique. we might be in denial mode forever but we know where we have faltered and where we have gone wrong. A little bit of monologue can help there. I came across a quotation which goes - "Once you've accepted your flaws, no one can use them against you." Soliloquy just helps you in identifying your flaws and accepting that.

I do it quite often. How often do you indulge in monologues for self motivation and boosting?