Saturday 31 May 2014

Candy Crushers

 Are you getting crushed by candies? If the answer is "Yes" and if I happen to be in your friend list then you can blindly count me on  the  candy crushers' side. Before you start venting your frustration of being crushed, let me give you few positive sides of  honouring the zillion Candy Crush requests awaiting your response. Few reasons why you should honour these requests-
  • The Candy Crushers give you an opportunity to become saviours. We enable you so much that you get that power of giving LIFE to some needy people.What else can you ask for?  
  • Just imagine that people are remembering you daily . 
  • You are helping productive denizens of this world by keeping the unproductive denizens like us busy. This way we keep busy with crushing candies without interfering in the productive world of other side of population.
  • You are spreading sweetness everywhere. Try to think the amount of fructose,Sucrose, Glucose you are spreading in world by enabling candy crushers. 
So next time you get a Candy Crush request - feel honoured , feel empowered and without any ado just keep accepting and honouring the request. After all we are just making you do your bit of charity;)
Happy Candy Crushing !!