Friday 27 March 2015

"Morning Run" is always an effort

No matter how long you have been running, getting up in the morning and going for a run is always an effort for most of people. I am also one of those "most of people". Getting up and heading for a jog is always like a case fought in court by me against me!! I am the Judge, Prosecutor, Defense lawyer and all other fancy words of  legal jargon.

List of  arguments by "Lazy Me" which my "Not So Lazy Me" have to counter-
  • Argument #1 :  World is not going to end if you don't go today.
  • Argument #2 :  Why baby why? You don't want to be a model.
  • Argument #3 :  Are you participating in Olympics?Then why?
  • Argument #4 :  Are you not feeling pain in your feet?
  • Argument #5 :  Today should be the day of rest.
  • Argument #6 :  Tomorrow is the new beginning. 
  • Argument #7 :   Listen to your heart

My "Not So Lazy Me" does rise above all these arguments in 80% of cases but it requires lot of cajoling, coaxing and coercion. Actually only coercion and not cajoling or coaxing. Some people would like to use motivation in lieu of coercion. I prefer using COERCION because this is what it is !

Step by step guide for successful coercion-
  • keeping  alarm clock/mobile phone at least 10 steps away from bed.
  • Not to mention about the alarm tone. It should be sure shot winner of any cacophony event
  • Keeping running apparel with the alarm clock
  • Fleeting thoughts about other good looking and fit friends ( Now my fit friend would know that how often I remember them )
I do follow all the techniques but  of all these, keeping my alarm clock away from bed works in most of the cases.

What about your struggle with morning exercises and your coercion/motivational techniques ?

Saturday 21 March 2015

Whats your name?

Name is what you are.People start associating name with the personality. Some people make names desirable with their deeds while there can be few people who bring untimely deaths to names. Parents play an important part in giving that unique name to their kid but sometimes end up giving quite thought provoking (read embarrassing ) names to kids.

For bearers of embarrassing names, only solace is the quotation of "Bard of Avon". They find a lot of strength in "What's in the name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet". Needless to say that they can't thank Shakespeare enough for providing them this light in dark alleys of names.

Parents spend a lot of time in giving that unique and striking name to their kid but their intelligence just goes away while giving them nicknames;). Most of nicknames can be quite embarrassing and may be actually opposite of what your personality is.

 In India, atleast the Northern part, one will find child named "Golu" in every second household . I can vouch that if some combing operation is done in a square mile area, we will have quite a population of "Golu(s)" in all likelihood. For the benefit of those who do not understand what "Golu" is, it means chubby. By the way all the "Golu(s)" have alternate formal names which are used in very rare situations. Though that is a entirely different thing that few "Golu(s)" grow up to be perfect spheres thereby maintaining the sanctity of their names but few "Golu(s)" do turn up traitors and  grow up to be lean and fit. Whatever the case may be but once a "Golu" always a "Golu". This is the unsaid rule followed recklessly in the part of world where I live. Just spare a little thought to handsome looking fellow who meets his aunt after ages and the first inevitable dialog which comes out of her mouth is - "Oh My God, Golu have grown so much'. Now tell me what Golu is supposed to think ! 

By the way whats your nickname  and are you the esteemed contributor in name game for any of your near and dear ones ;) ? If yes , do share (if share-able :p)!!!