For bearers of embarrassing names, only solace is the quotation of "Bard of Avon". They find a lot of strength in "What's in the name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet". Needless to say that they can't thank Shakespeare enough for providing them this light in dark alleys of names.
Parents spend a lot of time in giving that unique and striking name to their kid but their intelligence just goes away while giving them nicknames;). Most of nicknames can be quite embarrassing and may be actually opposite of what your personality is.
In India, atleast the Northern part, one will find child named "Golu" in every second household . I can vouch that if some combing operation is done in a square mile area, we will have quite a population of "Golu(s)" in all likelihood. For the benefit of those who do not understand what "Golu" is, it means chubby. By the way all the "Golu(s)" have alternate formal names which are used in very rare situations. Though that is a entirely different thing that few "Golu(s)" grow up to be perfect spheres thereby maintaining the sanctity of their names but few "Golu(s)" do turn up traitors and grow up to be lean and fit. Whatever the case may be but once a "Golu" always a "Golu". This is the unsaid rule followed recklessly in the part of world where I live. Just spare a little thought to handsome looking fellow who meets his aunt after ages and the first inevitable dialog which comes out of her mouth is - "Oh My God, Golu have grown so much'. Now tell me what Golu is supposed to think !
By the way whats your nickname and are you the esteemed contributor in name game for any of your near and dear ones ;) ? If yes , do share (if share-able :p)!!!
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